Inspired by Voltaire's famous philosophical tale Micromégas, this interactive and playful installation takes children on a sensory and imaginative journey through space and discovery.
Designed and created by Datoo and Nokinomo at the request of the Puteaux town hall, it is installed in the access corridor to the cafeteria of Voltaire Elementary School.
Children interact simply by placing their hands on the wall. Each touch reveals a world where planets, rainbows, and invisible realms come to life, lighting up before their eyes.
"Our traveler possessed a marvelous knowledge of the laws of gravitation and all the attractive and repulsive forces. He used them so skillfully that, at times with the aid of a sunbeam, at others by hitching a ride on a comet, he traveled from globe to globe, he and his companions, just as a bird flits from branch to branch; he traversed the Milky Way in no time."